Thursday, February 3, 2011

Around the World in Fashion: India

Street fashion/style is so inspirational and fashionable. I usually see a lot of these styles from New York, London, Tokyo, etc.

With this series I am going to bring street fashion from countries that I find fashionably chic.

First stop is India!

To travel to India to experience the culture is a must for me, but now I also want to experience their fashion scene!

What country do you want to fashionably explore?


  1. Love getting a look at style in other cultures! I'd be interested in seeing whats fashionable in South America, places like Brazil & Chile! xx

  2. I love seeing how different cultures view their own style as well. I will be sure to post some fashionable pics from Brazil, Chile and other S.A. countries!

    Thanks for the suggestions,
    Stay fashionable!

